Monday, 30 July 2012

July Beauty Products Haul

Thanks for watching my July Beauty Products Haul. Take a look at all the swatches below.

All products are mentioned in my video below:


With flash - Left to right: Satin, Steel, Plummy, Pinkie

Without flash - Left to right: Satin, Steel, Plummy, Pinkie

Top: MAC Smolder, Bottom: NARS Via Veneto

Left to right: Bobbi Brown concealer, Bobbi Brown corrector, Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick

Without flash - Left to right: Bobbi Brown concealer, Bobbi Brown corrector, Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick

With flash - Left to right: Bobbi Brown concealer, Bobbi Brown corrector, Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick

Caro blu_ray Bronzer without flash

Cargo blu_ray Bronzer with flash